

My Journey - My Mobility

Key Action: Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices

Start Date: 01-09-2018

Duration: 36 months


  • Applicant Organisation: Institute for Education – Malta
  •  Partner Organisation: Foundation Innove – Estonia
  • Partner Organisation: Centre de Coordination st de Gestion des Programmes Européens – CCGPE-DGEO – Belgium
  • Partner Organisation: BBS Cuxhaven – Germany

Aim of the Project

The aim of this project is to train and up-skill educators and give them the opportunity to share best practices.  Educators in the Maltese educational system, particularly Heads of school within the Senior Management Team will be given the opportunity to meet foreign counterparts who have a longer history teaching VET. This will allow the former to view the benefits of VET first-hand. They will also have opportunities to discuss the challenges faced by teachers, trainers and students alike. They will be given the opportunity to discuss the challenges relating to various topics that are of common interest between the partners including the involvement of parents of children following VET and sharing of best practices on how to overcome cultural misnomers on VET. More general areas will also be discussed including early school leaving and pupil truancy. This project will also incorporate the hosting of educators for learning and training purposes; to increase in the capacity to operate at transnational level, share and challenge ideas, practices and methods. Finally, results from this project will serve to contribute in the compilation, analysis and editing of the collection of ‘best practices toolkit’ (lead by the IfE). 

Through international cooperation, tailored training and CPD the participants will be in a better position to advice on how to better identify what teachers need to support learners in their classrooms. Since Malta is still adopting the concept of mainstreaming VET, foreign schools which have an established and successful VET system in place will provide local SMT members with valuable information on the benefits and challenges faced by teachers, trainers and students. The SMT will be made aware of the best practices on how to overcome cultural misnomers on VET, better yet be able to promote VET subjects in schools. The SMT will gain a collection of best practices and realistic scenarios which shall act as a guide and a reference point for VET educators in dealing with the teaching of VET subjects.

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