
Quality Assurance

Lecture Observation

The lecture observation process is an integral part of the Internal Quality Assurance and enhancement structure of the IfE. Moreover, it supports the IfE in meeting the principles within the National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education and the Policy for Quality Assurance and Enhancement of the IfE. The process also supports the IfE in implementing the Internal Verification Policy, the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures together with the Teaching and Learning Handbook which are available to all lecturers.

The IfE believes in the benefits related to lecture observation as this process can: 

  • Encourage all lecturers to reflect on the effectiveness of their own teaching and identify their development needs; 
  • Enable lecturers to identify strengths in learning and teaching, and identify areas where teaching and learning could be improved; 
  • Enable all lecturers to learn from each other and mutually benefit from improving understanding and practice; 
  • Foster discussion and dissemination of best practice; 
  • Ensure that the quality of teaching and learning at the IfE is continually refreshed and enhanced. 

The Lecture Observation Policy of the IfE may be accessed here.

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