
Award in Lesson Observation and Educational Mentoring

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Duration: 5 Weeks

Contact Hours: 25

Self Study Hours: 60

Mode of Delivery: Online

Home/EU/EEA Fees: €175
International Fee: €700


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module sets to help Education Leaders to reflect on the purpose of lesson observations and on different manners how these can be conducted. It will also focus on the use of mentorship in schools.  Thus, various issues and debates related to lesson observation and educational mentorship will be tackled.

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:

Entry Requirements

Applicants interested in following this programme are to satisfy one of the minimum eligibility criteria:

1. A Bachelor of Education (MQF Level 6 with a minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent) and five (5) years teaching experience in a licensed school; OR

2. A Bachelor’s degree (MQF Level 6 with a minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent) and PGCE (or equivalent) and five (5) years teaching experience in a licensed school; OR

3. A Master Degree (MQF Level 7 with a minimum of 90 ECTS, or equivalent) and a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant together with evidence of five (5) years teaching experience in a licensed school.


a) Plan effective and consequently evaluate strategies with which, as education leaders, they inform, encourage and empower the educators in their institution to perform peer-to-peer observation sessions;

b) Systematically develop a lesson observation report which include effective and constructive feedback as a tool for reflective practice;

c) Implement and bring about meaningful and sustained improvements in teaching and learning across the educational organization, s/he works in, through the vehicle of lesson observation and educational mentorship;

d) Set high expectations which inspire motivate and challenge pupils

e) Manage the information acquired in a way to ensure that learning is enjoyable, reachable and accessible to all, while leading teachers to ensure that the develop their cognitive and non-cognitive behaviour for learning to take place; 

f) Ensure a secure environment to develop self-efficacy and self-belief;

g) Lead in the creation a socially just environment where all learners and all learning is valued;

h) Lead educators to be responsible for the holistic well-being of each learner

i) Guide teachers on achieving best practices of collaboration with the Learning Support Educators to create an environment conducive to learning;

j) Collaborate closely with all the school staff to enhance the daily learning experience of each learner.


a) Comprehend that lesson observation can have an evaluative or developmental e purpose;

b) Achieve a good understanding of the crucial elements for effective educational mentorship.

c) Demonstrate a critical awareness of power relationships involved in different lesson observation strategies and mentorship.

d) Demonstrate critical awareness of innovative strategies of conducting a lesson observation which promote good progress and outcomes by pupils;

e) Demonstrate an awareness of ethical considerations when conducting lesson observation.

f) Demonstrate good subject and curricular knowledge.



a) Select high-level readings – literature written in a critical and nuanced way, underpinned by solid, convincing arguments built on a critical analysis of robust data;

b) systematically understand key concepts related to lesson observation and educational mentorship;

c) systematically and creatively deal with complex issues related to lesson observation and educational mentorship.

d) Draft SMART action plans for the introduction of educational mentorship and power balanced lesson observation strategies.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Case Study, Presentation and Assignment

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. O’Leary, M. (ed) (2016) Reclaiming lesson observation: supporting excellence in teacher learning. Routledge; Abingdon. 
  2. Garvey, B., Stokes, P. and Megginson, D. (2018). Coaching and Mentoring: theory and practice.Sage; London 

Suggested Readings List
  1. Blackmore, J. (2005); ‘A Critical Evaluation of Peer Review via Teaching Observations with Higher Education’ in International Journal of Educational Management, 19(3), pp.218-232. 
  2. Buskist, W., Ismail, E. and Groccia, J. (2014) ‘A Practical Model for Conducting Helpful Peer Review of Teaching’; in Sachs, J. and Parsell, M. (eds.) Peer Review of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education – International Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer Science + Business Media. 
  3. Cerbin, W. and Kopp, B. (2006) ‘Lesson Study as a Model for Building Pedagogical Knowledge and Improving Teaching’. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 18(3), 250-257. 
  4. Cladingbowl, M. (2014); ‘Why I Want to Try Inspecting without Grading Teaching in Each Individual Lesson’, June 2014, No. 140101, Ofsted. 
  5. Copland, F. and Mann, S. (2010); ‘Dialogic Talk in the Post-Observation Conference: An investment for reflection’ in Ciroki, A., Park, G. and Widodo, H. (eds.) Observation of Teaching: Bridging theory and practice through research on teaching. Munchen, LINCOM Europa, Germany, pp.175-194. 
  6. Dominguez, N. and Hager, M. (2013). Mentoring frameworks: Synthesis and critique. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 171 – 188. 
  7. Jewitt, C. (2012) ‘An Introduction to Using Video for Research’ (National Centre for Research Methods Working Paper 03/12). Available at: Last accessed 19th March 2018. 
  8. Hatzipanagos, S. and Lygo‐Baker, S. (2006); ‘Teaching observations: promoting development through critical reflection’, Journal of Further and Higher Education, vol.30:4, pp. 421-43. 
  9. Lofthouse, R. and Birmingham, P. (2010); ‘The Camera in the Classroom: Video-recording as a tool for professional development of student teachers’. TEAN Journal, 1(2), December 2010 [Online]. Available at:
  10. Marriott, G. (2001); Observing Teachers at Work. Heinemann Educational Publishers, Oxford. 
  11. Montgomery, D. (1999); Positive Teacher Appraisal through Classroom Observation; David Fulton Publishers Ltd, London 
  12. O’Leary, M. (2012) ‘Exploring the Role of Lesson Observation in the English Education System: A review of methods, models and meanings’ in Professional Development in Education, vol. 38(5), pp. 791-810. 
  13. O’Leary, M. (2014) Classroom Observation: A guide to the effective observation of teaching and learning. Routledge, London. 
  14. Peel, D. (2005) ‘Peer Observation as a Transformatory Tool?’ Teaching in Higher Education, 10(4), pp. 489-504. 
  15. Shortland, S. (2004) ‘Peer Observation: A tool for staff development or compliance?’ Journal of Further and Higher Education, 28(2), pp. 219-228. 
  16. Takashi, A. and Yoshida, M. (2004) ‘Ideas for establishing Lesson-Study communities’ in Teaching Children Mathematics (May), pp. 436-443. 
  17. Taylor, L., Dee, S., Richardson, J., Richardson, B., Bayliss, P. and Kill, T. (2009)  Promoting the development of teaching and learning through a participatory observation process. The Westminster Partnership CETT. 
  18. Washer, P. (2006) ‘Designing a System for Observation of Teaching’. Quality Assurance in Education, vol. 14(3), pp. 243-250. 
  19. Wood, P. and Cajkler, W. (2016) ‘A participatory Approach to Lesson-Study communities’. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies ,vol. 5(1), pp. 4-18. 
  20. Wragg, E. C. (1999) An Introduction to Classroom Observation,2nd London: Routledge. 

Duration: 4 Sessions

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