Award in Children and Adolescent Online Wellbeing
In today’s interconnected world, educators and other professionals play a vital role in shaping children’s online experiences. The award “Children and Adolescent Online Wellbeing” equips educators and other professionals with essential knowledge, skills, and critical insights for effectively understanding and navigating online behaviors specifically for children. Covering red flag identification, nurturing healthy relationships, and addressing concerns such as cyberbullying, grooming, and non-consensual sharing of intimate images (sexting), this course empowers participants to create a safer and more supportive digital space for children.
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:
Applicants interested in following this programme are to satisfy one of the minimum eligibility criteria:
1. A Bachelor Degree (MQF Level 6 with a minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent) in Education, Social Work, Humanities, or any other equivalent and comparable qualification; OR
2. A Bachelor Degree (MQF Level 6 with a minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent) together with a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (MQF Level 6 or higher) or equivalent.
a) Develop and deliver lessons on digital safety for children and adolescents.
b) Use a variety of teaching methods to engage children and adolescents in digital safety education.
c) Work with other professionals to create a safe and supportive online environment for children and adolescents.
d) Work with parents and caregivers to create a safer online environment for their children and adolescents.
e) Apply acquired knowledge to real-life cases, enhancing one’s ability to address online challenges for children.
a) Identify warning signs of negative online behavior.
b) Understand the risks and challenges of the digital world for children and adolescents.
c) Address online challenges effectively (such as Cyberbullying, non-consensual sharing of intimate images, grooming and excessive use.).
d) Discuss policy documents that can be referred to when addressing online safety lessons.
e) Illustrate what type of skills and attitudes need to be addressed in class for effective internet safety lessons.
f) Identify signs of excessive use, addictive behavior, and potential online risks for children.
g) identify grooming tactics and safeguard children from online exploitation.
a) Reflect and discuss how to tackle questions and issues that arise during online safety lessons;
b) Reflect on how own values influence the way they perceive online risks and challenges and the type of lessons they will be delivering;
c) Nurture healthy digital relationships with children and adolescents.
d) Foster positive use of the internet and social media platforms.
e) Promote responsible and safe online conduct in children.
f) Instill the importance of empathy in online interactions.
This module will be assessed through: Case Study, Presentation and Assignment
1. Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Prevalence, Process, and Offender Characteristics
Juliane A. Kloess, Anthony R. Beech, and Leigh Harkins
Child Sexual Abuse Material
2. Production and distribution of child sexual abuse material by parental figures
Salter, Michael; Wong, W K Tim; Breckenridge, Jan; Scott, Sue; Cooper, Sharon; et al. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice; Woden Iss. 616, : Australian Institute of Criminology. (Feb 2021): 1-16.
Grooming and Child Sexual Abuse:
3. Offender Behaviour
By Brown, Jon
Online Risk to Children, 2017
4. Cyberbullying and Psychological Well-being in Young Adolescence: The Potential Protective Mediation Effects of Social Support from Family, Friends, and Teachers
Hellfeldt, Karin; López-Romero, Laura; Andershed, Henrik. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Basel Vol. 17, Iss. 1, (2020): 45. DOI:10.3390/ijerph17010045
5. Cyberbullying: causes, effects, and remedies
Hoff, Dianne L; Mitchell, Sidney N. Journal of Educational Administration; Armidale Vol. 47, Iss. 5, (2009): 652-665. DOI:10.1108/09578230910981107
Schultze-Krumbholz, Anja (03/01/2016). “Feeling cybervictims’ pain–The effect of empathy training on cyberbullying”. Aggressive behavior (0096-140X), 42 (2), p. 147.
Sexting / Non consensual Sharing of intimate images:
6. Sexting and Young People: A Review of the Qualitative Literature
Anastassiou, Andrea. The Qualitative Report; Fort Lauderdale Vol. 22, Iss. 8, (Aug 2017): 2231-2239.
7. Project Leaked: 1 Research on Non-Consensual sharing of Intimate Images in Brazil 2
França, Leandro Ayres; Quevedo, Jessica Veleda. International Journal of Cyber Criminology; Thirunelveli Vol. 14, Iss. 1, (Jan-Jun 2020): 1-28.
8. Online Sexual Violence, Child Pornography or Something Else Entirely? Police Responses to Non-Consensual Intimate Image Sharing among Youth
Alexa Dodge [email protected] and Dale C. SpencerView all authors and affiliations
Volume 27, Issue 5
Excessive Internet Use:
9. The Dark Side of Internet Use: Two Longitudinal Studies of Excessive Internet Use, Depressive Symptoms, School Burnout and Engagement Among Finnish Early and Late Adolescents
Salmela-aro, Katariina; Upadyaya, Katja; Hakkarainen, Kai; Lonka, Kirsti; Alho, Kimmo. Journal of Youth and Adolescence; New York Vol. 46, Iss. 2, (Feb 2017): 343-357. DOI:10.1007/s10964-016-0494-2
10. Skarupova, Katerina (01/02/2016). “The effect of smartphone use on trends in European adolescents’ excessive Internet use”. Behaviour & information technology (0144-929X), 35 (1), p. 68.
11. EU Kids Online 2020
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