
Award in Fostering Creative Thinking

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 3 ECTS

Duration: 6 Sessions

Contact Hours: 15

Self Study Hours: 36

Mode of Delivery: Blended

Home/EU/EEA Fees: €105
International Fee: €420


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

Creative Thinking is one of the European Union’s eight key competences for lifelong learning. The module has been designed to foster this competence by applying different thinking skills methods and tools. Course participants’ ability to think out of the box will help them focus to make the most of opportunities, transform solutions into action and develop strategies to reach their objectives. Hence, the unit is used to guide the course participant’s inquiry, creativity, problem solving, dialogue, and critical thinking. Participants will also be provided with opportunities to undertake activities that are contextualised to their individual situations.

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:

Entry Requirements

Applicants interested in following this programme are to be in possession of a Bachelor’s degree (MQF Level 6 with a minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent).


a) Apply various thinking skills tools and methods to develop solutions for different situations;

b) Design a project that requires a demonstration of a creative mindset;

c) Create school and classroom cultures that promote a sense of creativity;

d) Collaborate in a team, through sharing of ideas, critical thinking and creativity.


a) Explain key literature and concepts related to developing a sense of creative and lateral thinking skills;

b) Identify the different thinking skills methods one can use in class;

c) Describe why intrinsic motivation is required to engage in activities.


a) Apply different thinking skills methods and tools to a class/school setting;

b) Reflect on their own “thinking outside the box” attitude as professionals;

c) Understand what it takes to think outside the box;

d) Use methods and tools required to develop a creative mindset.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Case Study, Presentation and Assignment

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Baldacchino, L. & Pulis-Xerxen, S. (2013). Fostering entrepreneurship through education: A handbook for teachers.   Nicholas College.
  2. Burgh, G. (2016). Creative and Lateral Thinking: Edward de Bono. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc.
  3. de Bono, E., 2015. Edward de Bono – The Father of Lateral Thinking and Creativity. [online]
  4. com. 2015. The de Bono Group – Six Thinking Hats. [online]
Suggested Readings List
  1. Gibson, H. (2005). What Creativity Isn’t: The Presumptions of Instrumental and Individual Justifications for Creativity in Education. British Journal of Educational Studies. Vol. 53, 2, 148-167.
  2. Jeffrey, B. (2006). Creative Teaching and Learning. Toward a Common Discourse and Practice. Cambridge Journal of Education. Vol. 36, 399-414.
  3. Shaheen, R. (2010). Creativity and Education. Creative Education. Vol. 1, 3, 166-169.
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