
Award in the Flipped Classroom

MQF Level: 6

ECTS Value: 2 ECTS

Duration: 4 Sessions

Contact Hours: 10

Self Study Hours: 24

Mode of Delivery: Online

Home/EU/EEA Fees: €70
International Fee: €280


Course Description

This module critically investigates the underpinning pedagogical approaches to help educators make the shift to the flipped classroom. The flipped classroom approach, which is a type of blended learning, empowers learners to critically think about a particular area of study and engage in selfdirected learning giving them the opportunity to engage with the content and in further research to increase their knowledge before in-class activities. Course participants will systematically familiarise themselves with the strategies entailed to flip their classroom by availing themselves of different digital technologies and help learners take ownership of their own learning and be actively involved in the learning process.

Entry Requirements

Applicants interested in following this programme are to satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria:

• An awarded MATSEC Certificate (MQF Level 4), or equivalent;


• An MQF Level 4 qualification with a minimum of 120 ECTS, or equivalent;


• Three subjects at Advanced Level (MQF 4)

Overall Objectives and Outcomes

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:


a) critically evaluate literature focusing on innovative pedagogical strategies to flip the traditional classroom;
b) implement technology enhanced learning strategies in context within the flipped classroom framework;
c) evaluate prior professional practices and conduct a curriculum mapping process to flip the classroom.
d) create digital artefacts to support students participating in the flipped classroom.
e) nurture 21st century competences within the flipped classroom framework through peerlearning, collaboration, self-reflection and presentation.


a) propose and evaluate a range of digital tools to be able to make the shift towards the flipped classroom;
b) identify adequate learning strategies to support learners in the online environment while creating digital artefacts;
c) outline the affordances of the different digital tools covered during this module with learners to help them flip their classroom;


a) Plan and implement change to adopt a flipped classroom approach;
b) assess the appropriate digital tools to successfully flip the classroom to enhance the teaching and learning process and/or assessment;
c) engage in a curriculum mapping process encompassing different learning strategies catering for different learning contexts; engage learners in active learning to create new digital artefacts from the acquired knowledge.

Mode of Delivery

This module will be taught by using both synchronous and asynchronous methods of teaching, including flipped classroom concept, through the IfE portal and its tools and will be fully online. Asynchronous discussions and peer learning will be utilised to encourage critical thinking and reflective practice. The Institute for Education’s guideline policies for Teaching, Learning and Assessment may be accessed on its website

Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

This course may be assessed by through the following:

1. Participation in synchronous and asynchronous discussions about a particular theme focusing on the flipped classroom concept. (20%)

2. Select a number of learning outcomes and design a lesson or a series of lessons encompassing the strategies outlined during the module. (60%)

3. A rationale needs to be submitted focusing on personal reflection and evaluation of the the lessons submitted. (20%)


Upon successful completion of this module, course participants will be conferred an accredited certification. 

Further Learning Opportunities and Career Progression

Upon successful completion of this module, course participants may use certification conferred to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning for accredited programmes. Teachers may also use this certification in their application for accelerated progression.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
1) Bergmann, J, & Sams, A 2015, Flipped Learning for Elementary Instruction, International Society for Technology in Education, La Vergne. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central.
2) Bergmann, J, & Sams, A 2015, Flipped Learning : Gateway to Student Engagement, International Society for Technology in Education, La Vergne. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central.
3) Fulton Kathleen P. 2012. 10 Reasons to Flip. Phi Delta Kappan, 94(2), pp. 20-24.
4) Poniatowski, K. 2019. Assessing Flipped Versus Traditional Classrooms: Is Flipping Really Better? Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 74(4), pp. 422-437.
5) Burke, A.S and Fedorek, B., 2017. Does “flipping” promote engagement?: A comparison of a traditional, online, and flipped class. Active Learning in Higher Education, 18(1), pp. 11-24.
6) Lag, T. and Saele, R. G. 2019. Does the Flipped Classroom Improve Student Learning and Satisfaction? A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. AERA Open, 5(3), pp. 1-17.
7) Sargent, J. and Casey, A. 2020. Flipped learning, pedagogy and digital technology: Establishing consistent practice to optimise lesson time. European Physical Education Review, 26(1), pp. 70- 84.
8) Yough, M., Merzdorf, H. E., Fedesco, H. E. and Hyun, J.C. 2019. Flipping the Classroom in Teacher Education: Implications for Motivation and Learning. Journal of Teacher Education, 70(5), pp. 410-422.
9) Gough, E., DeJong, D., Grundmeyer, T. and Baron M. 2017. K-12 Teacher Perceptions Regarding the Flipped Classroom Model for Teaching and Learning. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 45(3), pp. 390-423.
10) Fisher, R., Perenyi, A. and Birdthistle, N. 2018. The positive relationship between flipped and blended learning and student engaement, performance and satisfaction. Active Learning in Higher Education, pp. 1-17.


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