
Award in Human Resources and People Management for Educational Leaders

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Contact Hours: 25

Self Study Hours: 65

Assessment Hours: 35


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module will introduce the learners to current practices and issues which arise in Human Resource Management. It will also explore the core issue of learning, emphasising its importance in creating a professional learning community. It will also look at the development of performance management analysing the challenges and changes that need to be dealt with offering suitable suggestions of how this can be done successfully through coaching and mentoring. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Appraise modern practices in human resources and their effective management in the educational organization; 
b. Manage own professional growth through self-reflection; 
c. Comprehensively identify training needs and professional learning using data analysis; 
d. Critically evaluate the conceptual characteristics of Professional Learning Communities; 
e. Determine and evaluate the role of performance management in educational organizations  



a. Demonstrate basic knowledge of Human Resources Management; 
b. Devise training and professional learning opportunities for educators; 
c. Communicate the characteristics of a Professional Learning Community; 
d. Define the concept of contemporary performance management



a. Analyse and apply training strategies for the implementation of training programmes; 
b. Systematically apply the dimensions of a Professional Learning Community in an educational organization; 
c. Analyse critically different performance management techniques including mentoring and coaching. 


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List

1. Baldacchino, G. and Bray, M. Editors (2001); “Human Resource Strategies for Small States” in Special Issue of International Journal of Educational Development vol. 21(3)
2. Dessler, G., (2016); Human Resource Management, 15th Edition; Pearson, U.S.
3. Farrugia, C.J.; (2007) “The rewards and tribulations of senior education managers in small states. In Education, Society and Leadership”. In the 25th Anniversary Volume, Faculty of Education, University of Malta, edited by Darmanin M. and Mayo, P pp. 210–216. Allied Publishers, Malta
4. Hancox, B., Hunter, R., and Bourdeau, K.M (2010); Coaching for engagement – achieving results through powerful conversations, Tekara, U.S.
5. Senge, P., (2012); Schools that Learn, Nicholas Bradley Publishing, London UK
6. Stoll, L., Bobin, R., McMahon, A. and Thomas, S. (2006); “Professional Learning Communities: A review of the literature” in Journal of educational change, 7 (4): 221-258

Supplementary Reading List
1. Hargreaves, A., Boyle, A., and Harris, A. (2014); Uplifting Leadership How Organizations, Teams, and Communities raise performance; Jossey-Bass U.S.
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