
Assessment in Art Education

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 3 ECTS

Self Study Hours: 36

Contact Hours: 15

Assessment Hours: 24


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

Through this module, prospective art teachers will gain additional knowledge on the importance of assessment as a means to determine students’ achievement according to attainment levels in art education. At the same time, the assessment processes applied can also serve as a reflective practice to determine the effectiveness of the lessons and teaching methods being used to reach all students. The unit also highlights assessment as a method to encourage collaboration, involving all participants in the learning process. The participants may vary between students, peers, family/children’s guardians and teachers themselves.  Equally important are the assessment criteria which to be shared with all learners at the beginning and during any teaching and learning practices.  

The three main areas outlining this module are assessment, evaluation and reporting. This is done through:

  1. Implementing the Learning Outcomes Framework in Art Education;
  2. Creating visual art activities and tasks to assess different abilities and learning outcomes;
  3. Discussing assessment criteria in order not to privilege or discriminate any student.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Create activities and assessment methods to demonstrate an understanding of the learning outcomes framework;

b. Develop traditional as well as performance-based assessment techniques in art education which are appropriate to level;

c. Create appropriate activities and tasks that can be assessed according to abilities and learning outcomes;

d. Employ reflective processes which serve as continuous evaluation of both teaching and learning.


a. Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between formative, evaluative and summative assessment as essential parts of teaching and learning in art education;

b. Demonstrate an understanding of how formative assessment can promote learning and achievement via feedback and revisions in art education;

c. Outline the use of assessment methods to focus on meeting expectations for all and on an individual basis.


a. Apply written and verbal feedback as an integral part of assessment to inform students on continuous progress of their learning;

b. Make use of a portfolio as an assessment tool to find a balance between process and final product;

c. Employ the use of a sketchbook as part of a formative assessment method;

d. Make use of group discussions and class critiques which offer opportunities for revisions of artwork being developed;

e. Employ self-assessment tasks with the intention to encourage learners to reflect on their own practice and assess whether or not they achieved the criteria of the project/lesson;

f. Use rubrics as an assessment tool to facilitate the understanding of different learning outcomes/criteria.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Presentation, Group Discussions and Assignment.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Eisner Elliot W. & Day Michael D. eds. (2004). Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education. Published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  2. Hume Helen D. (2014). The Art Teacher’s Survival Guide for Secondary Schools. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  3. Gillham Bill and McGilp Helen, (2007). Recording the Creative Process: An Empirical Basis for Practice­ Integrated Research in the Arts. The Authors, Journal compilation. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  4. Graham, Mark. (2019). Assessment in the visual arts: Challenges and Possibilities. Arts Education Policy Review. 120. 1-9.
Supplementary Reading List
  1. Beattie, D.K. 1997, Assessment in Art Education. Art Education in Practice Series, Davis Publications, Inc., 50 Portland St., Worcester, MA 01608.

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