This unit will serve as an introduction to the topic of addiction, providing the multifaceted nature of addiction, exploring it from a variety of diverse disciplinary perspectives. Different types of addiction both substance-based and non-substance based will be explored. We will also discuss the role that society plays, what cultural beliefs and influences exist. You will also be exposed to the different treatments available locally, together with prevention and harm reduction strategies. We will also go over different factors that could be exhibited in addictive behaviours in adolescents.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Develop knowledge on addiction and related issues, like anxiety, depression, identity, trauma, and attachment;
b. Critically analyse different perspectives of addiction and highlight its gaps when attempting to holistically provide treatment, services, and prevention;
c. Integrate the various perspectives of addiction and the development of necessary skills;
d. Sustain a safe relationship with the adolescent engaging in addictive behaviours;
e. Collaborate with different relevant professionals and stakeholders when engaging with adolescents exhibiting addictive behaviours;
f. Ensure the well-being of the adolescent if needed through harm reduction strategies;
g. Be able to discuss the negative consequences of addictive behaviour with the relevant adolescent.
a. Explore a vast array of different perspectives of addiction, harm reduction and prevention;
b. Outline different forms of addiction including non-substance addictions;
c. Demonstrate knowledge of methods to handle and refer an adolescent exhibiting signs of addictive behaviour;
d. Communicate the link between mental health and addiction;
e. Demonstrate knowledge of the different rehabilitation programmes, treatments, duration, and aftercare services provided locally.
a. Identify and evaluate different perspectives of addiction;
b. Engage with the conceptual complexities of the construct of addiction;
c. Apply knowledge of harm reduction, rehabilitation programmes, treatment, reintegration and aftercare;
d. Have knowledge of the cycle of addiction;
e. Critically identify symptoms of possible addictive behaviour.
This module will be assessed through: Presentation and Assignment.
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