
Inclusive Practices: The Multicultural Classroom

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 3 ECTS

Self Study Hours: 36

Contact Hours: 15

Assessment Hours: 24


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

In the fast-changing world we are living in, the classroom is no longer homogenous. Especially over the past few years the classroom has been transformed into a mix of various cultures. This module will focus upon an awareness of oneself and one’s values and beliefs; an understanding of how cultures differ and an investigation of how best to adapt to these cultures.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Establish which intercultural needs are to be catered for in the classroom;

b. Transform their lesson plans to cater for the different learner needs;

c. Collaborate with other educators;

d. Create activities and resources which are interculturally sound.


a. Identify human rights;

b. List reasons for migration;

c. Explain differences between cultures and beliefs;

d. Describe the learning requirements of children from other cultures;

e. Identify multicultural educational strategies.


a. Investigate how they could transform the teaching and learning to adapt to the different cultures within their classroom;

b. Review and evaluate practices of how he/she has been working in the classroom;

c. Reflect upon how new knowledge can be adapted in their classroom;

d. Plan and propose how best to modify one’s teaching strategies and resources to suit an intercultural classroom environment.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Portfolio.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Bartolo, P. A. (Ed) (2007) Responding to student diversity. Teacher’s handbook Malta: Faculty of Education
  2. Calleja, C., Grech, M. & Cauchi, B. (2010) Education and ethnic minorities in Malta. EU: The e-SPICES Learning Partnership
  3. Carber, S. (Ed.) (2011) Internationalizing schools. Great Britain: Woodbridge: John Catt International Ltd.
  4. Hamilton, R. & Moore, D. (2006) Educational interventions for refugee children. Theoretical perspectives and implementing best practices NY: RoutledgeFalmer
  5. Klyukanov, I. E. (2005) Principles of intercultural communication NY: Pearson Education Inc.
  6. Summary of information from Zammit, F. “Il-Ballata tal-Maltin ta’ New Kaledonia” and York, B. “The Maltese in Australia”
Supplementary Reading List
  1. Busuttil, A. (2011) Hbieb ta’ Veru. Malta: Klabb Kotba Maltin
  2. Farrugia, J. A. (2015) L-Avventuri ta’ Tipi. Malta: BDL Publishing
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