
Literacy Difficulties in the ELT Classroom

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 2 ECTS

Self Study Hours: 24

Contact Hours: 10

Assessment Hours: 16


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module gives course participants an overview of the various challenges encountered in the early development of literacy. This will then lead to a better understanding of the manifestation of difficulties some students experience in secondary school. Course Participants will be given hands-on opportunities to explore and comprehend how to address the different aspects of learning difficulties when planning and designing instructional materials.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Critically evaluate literature and research on literacy development namely specific learning difficulties;

b. Reflect on prior professional practice in the light of current research on inclusion and differentiation;

c. Assess programmes and educational material that target learning difficulties.


a. Issues related to literacy learning difficulties  and inclusion;

b. Symptoms and indicators of learning difficulties;

c. Classroom strategies that facilitate language acquisition for all learners, including scaffolding, adaptations and visuals;

c. Latest research on reading and writing intervention programmes, such as, synthetic phonics;

d. Research on ICT programmes that facilitate language acquisition.


a. Implement differentiated teaching;

b. Carry out accommodations of instructional material to facilitate language acquisition for students with literacy difficulties.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Online Forum and Assignment.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Griffiths, M (2002) Study Skills and Dyslexia in the Secondary Fallona, K.A. and. Katz L.A. (2020). Structured Literacy Intervention for Students with Dyslexia: Focus on Growing Morphological Skills
  2. Goulandris, N. (2003). Dyslexia in Different Languages. London: Whurr.
  3. Hulme, C. and Snowling, M. (2009). Development Disorders of Language and Learning, U.K.: Wiley & Sons
  4. Mackay, N. (2012, 3rd edition) Removing Dyslexia as Barrier to Achievement. U.K: SEN
  5. Mongomery, D. (2017). Dyslexia-Friendly Strategies for Reading, Spelling and Handwriting. London: Routledge
  6. Snowling, M.J., Hulme, C. and Nation, K. (2020). Defining and Understanding Dyslexia: past, present and future Oxford Review of Education, VOL. 46, NO. 4, 501-513 Https:// OXFORD REVIEW OF EDUCATION 2020, VOL., 46, NO. 4, 501-513 HTTPS://
  7. International Dyslexia Association. (2017) DITC Handbook. Baltimore. Retrieved 2018 from
Supplementary Reading List
  1. Elliot, J.G. and Grigorenko, J.G (2014). The Dyslexia Debate. New York: Cambridge
  2. Loren Pang, L. and Chen Chwen Jen (2018). Inclusive dyslexia-friendly collaborative online learning environment: Malaysia Case Study Educ Inf Technol (2018) 23:1023-1042 DOI 10.1007/s10639-017-9652-8
  3. Griffiths, M. (2002) Study Skills and Dyslexia in the Secondary School. A practical approach. London: David Fulton Publishers.
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