Pedagogy and Assessment of Primary Mathematics
Mathematics is a Core Learning Area. In this Module, participants will explore issues related to the pedagogy and assessment of mathematics within the primary classroom setting. They will evaluate different teaching strategies and apply their newly acquired skills and knowledge to develop wellstructured, detailed and appropriate schemes of work and lesson plans which are aligned to the primary mathematics syllabus. This Module will also aim at increasing teachers’ confidence in the teaching of mathematics in the primary classroom as lack of confidence may impact learning. It will also equip participants with the skills and competences necessary to differentiate content, process and product in their classrooms, produce effective teaching and learning resources and make use of technology to enhance learning.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
This module will be assessed through: Practical Assignment Tasks.
1) Haylock, D., & Cockburn, A. (2013). Understanding mathematics for young children (4th Edn.). London: Sage.
2) Haylock, D. (2010). Mathematics explained for primary teachers (4th Edn.). Los Angeles: SAGE.
3) Haylock, D., & Thangata, F. (2007). Key concepts in teaching primary mathematics. London: Sage.
4) Van De Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S. & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2013). Elementary and middle school mathematics (8th Edn.). Boston: Pearson Education.
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