
Fostering a Lifelong Healthy Lifestyle through Physical Education

ECTS Value: 1 ECTS

Contact Hours: 5

Self Study Hours: 12

Assessment Hours: 8


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module will focus on the physical development of the student through stimulating and challenging physical activities that are primarily based on a Sport for All approach rather than a competitive one with physical literacy at the core. Module complements the rest of the modules in terms of a holistic provision of education for all. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a) Prepare lessons that cater for all different types of abilities;
b) Adapt activities to also include students with physical disabilities;
c) Instil within students a lifelong approach towards a healthy lifestyle through physical activity.


a) Primary Physical Education syllabus;
b) Main principles of teaching PE at this level;
c) Different strategies and approaches when teaching different content areas.


a) Cope with unplanned situations that may arise during lesson time;
b) Gauge the appropriate level and demands of each and every student;
c) Strike a balance between curricular demands and the fun element.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Practical Assignment Tasks.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List

1. Ministry of Education and Employment (2015) The Learning Outcomes framework
2. Teaching Sport and Physical Activity, Paul G. Schempp (2003)
3. Health and Fitness Through Physical Education, Pate & Hohn (1994)
4. Teaching Children Physical Education, George Graham (2008)
5. A Teacher’s Guide to Including Students with Disabilities in General Physical Education, Martin E. Block – third edition (2015)
6. Physical Literacy – 12 Steps Pledge Ambassadorship, Steven C. McCartney (2015)
7. The Physical Education Teacher’s Book of Lists, Marian Milliken-Ziemba (2001)
8. Physical Literacy, Margaret Whitehead (2010)
9. Cross Curricular Physical Education, MEDE (2015)

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