
The Practical Approach in the RE Classroom

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Self Study Hours: 85

Contact Hours: 25

Assessment Hours: 15


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

In an ever-changing world, where many aspects of Religion are being challenged, Religious Education (RE) is becoming a challenging but still an adventurous pedagogical area. For this reason, this module provides an opportunity for the course participants to critically think and evaluate the challenging situation in a RE classroom. Through this exercise, participants are to review the curriculum being used, and explore opportunities and innovative ways of how RE can be imparted.  It is crucial that participants, are able to plan using a curriculum which is ‘learning outcomes-based’, in order to design, plan, and follow schemes of work and corresponding lesson plans. This requires training in specific skills, attitudes and competences that will help participants adopt a pedagogy which will also help them in the assessment of each student’s performance. This module will ensure that participants, as prospective RE teachers, will have mastered the subject content which will then be delivered through the various methods of learning they would have been exposed to.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Manage critically and analytically the knowledge and experiences acquired throughout the module in view of the potential needs and abilities of prospective RE students;

b. Promote a learning environment which is accessible to all, that helps prospective students develop their cognitive and non-cognitive skills for learning;

c. Conceptualize RE content and link it with the experiences, world-views and needs of both the participants and their present (if any) and prospective students;

d. Initiate projects that will motivate prospective students and help them develop their creativity and thinking skills.


a. Appreciate the need for a new vision of RE Education;

b. Critically analyse ways and means of developing a curriculum based on the needs of students at primary, secondary and tertiary levels;

c. Demonstrate their ability in creating various activities and resources in developing schemes of work and lesson plans according to a learning outcomes-based curriculum;

d. Critically understand how to present RE content in a way that is relevant to the lives of his/her prospective students;

e. Deal with the challenge of diversity and thus relativity of beliefs;

f. Adopt a strategy that integrates cross-curricular themes in the RE syllabus;

g. Resolve on the right assessment for and of learning strategies within the whole pedagogical process.


a. Demonstrate effective skills that promote a positive learning experience by bringing RE content alive through the various social and cultural backgrounds encountered in the classroom;

b. Develop skills to answer prospective students’ questions in a way to stimulate more probing into making sense of the world around them while encouraging an inclusive perspective that respects the different religions and spiritualities;

c. Acknowledge moral development as aspects of human development, instigating in prospective students a drive to act according to conscience and integrate socially as true Christians.

d. Integrate a sound and relevant use of technology reflecting a 21st century pedagogy;

e. Develop ways of integrating cross-curricular themes and other subjects into the RE curriculum;

f. Evaluate types of pedagogy and assessment to be included in schemes of work and lesson plans, accompanied by relevant resources according curricular requirements.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Practical Assignment Tasks and Presentation.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Allen, T. D., Finkelstein, L. M., & Poteet, M. L. (2009). Designing workplace mentoring programs: an evidence-based approach. Chichester, U.K., Wiley-Blackwell, 59-103.
  2. Barnes, L.P. ed., (2011). Debates in religious education. Routledge, pp.183-257.
  3. Barnes, L. P., & Wright, A. (2008). Learning to teach religious education in the secondary school: a companion to school experience. London [etc.], Routledge, pp. 41-241.
  4. Black, P. and Wiliam, D., 2009. Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (formerly: Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education), 21(1), pp.5-31.
  5. Cavalletti, S., (2002). The Religious Potential of the Child, 6 to 12 Years Old. Liturgy Training Publications.
  6. Erricker, C., Lowndes, J. and Bellchambers, E., (2010). Primary Religious Education–A New Approach: Conceptual Enquiry in Primary RE. Routledge, 34-208.
  7. Fullan, M. and Langworthy, M. (January 2014). A Rich Sea. How New Pedagogies Find Deep Learning. London: Pearson.
  8. Gershon, M. (2013). How to use assessment for learning in the classroom: the complete guide. [Place of publication not identified], Mike Gershon.
  9. Grimmitt, M., (2000). Constructivist pedagogies of religious education project: Re-thinking knowledge, teaching and learning in religious education. Pedagogies of religious education, pp.189-207.
  10. Harlen, W. (2014). Assessment, standards and quality of Learning in Primary Education. Harlen. York: Cambridge Primary Review Trust.
  11. Husbands, C. and Pearce, J. (2012). What makes great pedagogy? Nine claims from research. National College for School Leadership, [online]. Available at: – [Accessed 4 January 2018].
  12. Ireland, and National Council for curriculum and assessment (Ireland). (2001). Religious education: junior certificate: guidelines for teachers. Dublin, Stationery Office.
  13. Learning Outcomes Framework, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 January 2018].
  14. Ministry for Education and Employment. The Fronter Platform for Primary schools – Year 1 – Year 6. Available at: [Accessed 4 January 2018]
  15. Moyles, J. R., Georgeson, J., & Payler, J. (2011). Beginning teaching – beginning learning in early years and primary education. Maidenhead, England, McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 57-200.
  16. Niculescu, R. M. and Norel, M., Religious education an important dimension of human’s education. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 93 (2013), pp. 338 – 342.
  17. Portner, H. (2005). Teacher mentoring and induction: the state of the art and beyond. Thousand Oaks, Calif, Corwin Press, pp. 93-165.
  18. Rogers, B. (2011). How to manage children’s challenging behaviour. London: Paul Chapman Pub.
  19. Scott, C. L., The futures of learning 3: What kind of pedagogies for the 21st century? UNESCO Education Research and Foresight, Paris. [ERF Working Papers Series, No. 15].
  20. Siraj, I., Taggart, B., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. (2014). Exploring Effective pedagogy in Primary Schools: Evidence from Research. London: Pearson.
  21. Stolberg, T., & Teece, G. (2011). Teaching religion and science: effective pedagogy and practical approaches for RE teachers. London, Routledge, pp. 55-135.
Supplementary Reading List:
  1. Boreen, J. (2009). Mentoring Beginning Teachers: Guiding, Reflecting, Coaching. Stenhouse Publishers.
  2. Danielson, C. (2007). Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching 2nd ed. Alexandria, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  3. Davies, G. (2004). Religious Education in the Primary School. School of Education. [online] Bangor: University of Wales. Available at: [Accessed 4 January 2018]
  4. Duffy, E. (author and editor). (2012). Catholic Primary Education. Facing new challenges. Columba Press.
  5. Fancourt, N. – Teaching about Chrisitanity in religious education: a review of research, [online] University of Oxford. Available at: [Accessed 4 January 2018]
  6. Fontana, D. (1995). Psychology for Teachers. 3rd ed. New York: Palgrave.
  7. Zachary, L. J. (2011). The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships, 2nd Edit. John Wiley & Sons.

  1. Archdiocese of Brisbane. (2016). Religious Education Planning and Assessing in Religious Education. Available at: [Accessed 4 January 2018].
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