
Developing a Digital Community of Professional Practice

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Contact Hours: 25

Self Study Hours: 60

Assessment Hours: 40


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

This module will equip educators to use digital technologies to enhance organisational communication, engage in collaboration with other educators and to individually and collectively reflect on one’s own digital pedagogical practice and that of one’s educational community. 

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Develop strategies to use digital technologies to enhance organisational communication within the school / college community;
b. Develop strategies that contribute to improve collaborative organisational communication;
c. Develop strategies that contribute towards reducing digital inequalities within the school / college community;
d. Select, adapt and use digital technologies to engage with other educators, sharing and exchanging knowledge and experience, and collaboratively innovating pedagogic practices;
e. Select, adapt and use digital technologies to promote inclusion in innovating pedagogic practices;
f. Engage in individual and collective reflection to critically assess and actively develop one’s own digital pedagogical practice and that of one’s educational community;
g. Manage digital sources and resources for professional learning.


a. Reflect on the use of digital technologies to communicate with colleagues in the same organisation and beyond;
b. Research content that can contribute to the organisation’s website or virtual learning environments (VLEs);
c. Critically discuss the use of digital technologies when sharing and exchanging knowledge, resources and experiences with colleagues and peers;
d. Critically discuss the use of digital technologies in promoting inclusion;
e. Identify and reflect on the use of digital technologies when collaboratively developing educational resources;
f. Develop critical awareness of how of professional collaborative networks as a source of one’s own professional development;
g. Reflect on and provide critical feedback on digital policies and practices.


a. Effectively design suitable training and professional development opportunities to provide online video tutorials, MOOCs and webinars to the school/college community;
b. Evaluate the use of the Internet when searching for and identifying digital resources which support professional development;
c. Evaluate the use of digital professional communities as a source of professional development;
d. Effectively make use of digital technologies to collaborate on the design and in the creation of online assessment for/of learning within the school/college;
e. Effectively make use of digital technologies in the creation of online assessment which take into account the wider extent of digital needs found within the school/college;
f. Effectively design an online portal through which the school teaching community collaborates in the production and pooling of digital teaching and learning resources for the school learning community to have access and use.


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List

1. Laidlaw, L. et al (2019) “This is your brain on devices”: Media accounts of young children’s use of digital technologies and implications for parents and teachers. SAGE Journals
2. Kern, D. and Bean, R.M. (2018). ILA 2017: Key Notions, Challenges, and Opportunities for Middle School and High School Classroom Teachers. Journal of Adolecent and Adult Literacy
3. Reisoglu. I., and Cebi, A. (2020) How can digital competencies of pre-service teachers be developed? Examining a case study through the lens of DigComp and DigComp Edu. Turkey: Recep Tayyip Erdogan University
4. Sterrett, W. and Richardson, Jayson W. (2020) Supporting Professional Development through Digital Principal Leadership. Journal of Organizational & Educational Leadership: Vol. 5 : Iss. 2 , Article 4.
5. Seufert, S., Guggemos, J. and Tarantini, E. (2018) Online Professional Learning Communities for Developing Teachers’ Digital Competencies. Hungary: CELDA
6. Oldfield, A. (2012) Assessment in a Digital Age: A Research Review. UK: University of Bristol.
7. Wenger, E. (2011). Communities of practice: A brief introduction. Oregon: University of Oregon.
8. James, N. (2013). The learning trajectories of ‘old-timers’: Academic identities and communities
of practice in higher education. In Communities of Practice (pp. 141-153). Routledge.

Supplementary Reading List

1. Stahl, G. (2011) Essays in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Downloadable from:
2. Cutajar, M. (n.d.). Students’ perceptions of others in a networked learning environment. In N. Bonderup Dohn, S. Cranmer, J.-A. Sime, M. de Laat & T. Ryberg (Eds.), Networked Learning: Looking Back – Moving Forward. Linz: Springer
3. Madureira Ferreira, M. et al. (2019) What is learning for secondary-school students? Students’ perceptions examined in Brazil and Finland. Linz: Springer
4. Oztok, M. et al. (2012). Exploring Asychronous and Synchronous Tool use in Online Courses. Canada: University of Toronto.

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