Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning
This module will equip educators with the necessary knowledge, skills and competences to effectively integrate and provide guidance to colleagues on the use of digital technologies in the teaching and learning process. Educators will be given the opportunity to use and learn how to implement digital technologies in a collaborative manner which enhances communication and the co-creation of new knowledge. In addition, participants will develop the necessary skills to plan, monitor and reflect on their own learning as well as the effectiveness of technology in education.
By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
a. Present digital content in an effective manner;
b. Evaluate digital competencies in teaching and learning utilising theoretical frameworks and models;
c. Effectively design learning activities and resources which integrate the effective use of technology;
d. Effectively design learning activities and resources that capitalise on modalities of online synchronous and asychronous teaching and learning;
e. Engage learners in problem solving situations through technology;
f. Use a variety of digital technologies to maximise efficacy of one’s digital literacy knowhow;
g. Assist and collaborate with peers in adopting technology in their teaching.
This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.
1. European Commission (2020). Blended learning in school education: guidelines for the start of the academic year 2020/21. European Union
2. Jamani, K. J. and Figg, C. (2013) The TPACK-in-Practice Workshop Approach: A Shift from Learning the Tool to Learning about Technology-Enhanced Teaching
3. Stephens, A. G. (2017) The Impact of 1:1 Laptops on Teaching and Learning: How Seven Secondary Educators Percieve Technology Having Enhanced Their Teaching and Their Students’ Learning
4. King, E. et.al. (2015) Exploring the Impact of a Flexible, Technbology-Enhanced Teaching Space on Pedagogy
5. Clark, T. and Barbout, M. (2015). Online, Blended and Distance Education in Schools: Building Successful Programmes. US: Stylus Publishing.
6. Zimmerman, W.A. and Kulikowich, J.M. (2016). Online Self-Efficacy in Students with and without Online Learning. The American Journal of Distance Education. Vol. 30, 3, pp.180-191
1. Holmstrom, T. and Siljebo, J. (2013) “Developing digital competence or exploring teaching with digital technologies? An organisational study of municipalities’ development of upper secondary school students’ digital competence” Master’s Thesis in leadership and organisation, Department
of Education, Umea University.
2. Ilomäki, L., Kantosalo, A., & Lakkala, M. (2011). What is digital competence? In Linked portal. Brussels: European Schoolnet
3. Bastos, G. and Oliveira, I., (2015) Digital Literacy of School Leaders: What Impacts in Schools? Results of Two Studies from Portugal. Portugal: Portuguese Open University
4. Busuttil, L. and Farrugia, R.C. (2020). Teacher’s Response to the Sudden Shift to Online Learning during Covid-19 pandemic: Implications for Policy and Practice.
5. Schleicher, A. (2020). The Impact of Covid-19 on Education Insights from Education at a Glance 2020. OECD
6. Doug. L. (2020). Teaching in the Online Classroom: Surviving and Thriving in the New Normal. US: Jossey-Bass.
7. Boettcher, J.V. and Conrad, R. (2021). The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips. US: Jossey-Bass
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