
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Conversion) Engineering Technology​

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Conversion) - Engineering Technology

MQF Level: 7

ECTS Value: 30 ECTS

​​Start Date: September

Duration: 1 Year (Part-time)

Programme Description

The aim of this programme is to provide qualified educators with the opportunity to develop the required competences, skills and disposition to teach Engineering Technology. This programme will delve into manufacturing and fabrication operations, electrical and electronics engineering and manufacturing whilst also giving them the opportunity and exposure to apply these to the engineering technology class.

Graduates from this programme may also have the opportunity of progressing to second year of a Master of Education (Engineering Technology) (MQF 7, 90 ECTS).

Entry Requirements

Applicants are to be in possession of  one of the following:

  1. A Bachelor of Education (MQF 6, 240 ECTS) in Design and Technology, Graphical Communication, Mathematics, Physics or a related area deemed relevant by the Institute for Education. 
  2. A Bachelor degree (MQF Level 6 with a minimum of 180 ECTS) in addition to a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (MQF 6, 60 ECTS) in Design and Technology, Graphical Communication, Mathematics, Physics or a related area deemed relevant by the Institute for Education.

Course Outline

Code Description Credits
​Teaching Practice I: Reflection on Action
Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
General Safety and​ Materials​
Manufacturing and Fabrication Operations
​Electrical and Electronics Engineering Manufacturing


Applications for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education open mid-May of each year with programmes commencing the following September​. When open, interested applicants may apply through the Institute for Education’s online portal

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