
Clear and Shared Learning Intentions

ECTS Value: 5 ECTS

Contact Hours: 20

Practice Hours: 5

Self Study Hours: 60

Assessment Hours: 40


Overall Objectives and Outcomes

Providing comprehensive knowledge about the strategy, skills and practical techniques that can be used in class to share the learning intention effectively and to focus all learners on what will be learnt. Participants will make use of the techniques. Learners need to be able to analyse their performance and competencies and critically annotate their reflections.

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:


a. Formulate and write clear learning intentions by using simple language that can be understood by learners;
b. Be responsible for sharing the learning intention at the beginning of the lesson by writing it down on the whiteboard/interactive whiteboard/WALT poster;
c. Be responsible for making the Learning Intention visible throughout the lesson, so that teachers remain focused throughout the lesson and teach what they are meant to be teaching;
d. Ensure that learners clearly know what they are learning and are reminded about the learning intention to keep them focused by asking them ‘What are we learning today?’, ‘Why are we learning this? And ‘What have we learnt today?


a. Define what Learning Intentions are by knowing that Learning Intentions are a description of what the learner will know, understand, or able to do by the end of the lesson;
b. Identify the benefits of sharing the learning intentions with learners so that learners know what they are meant to be learning;
c. Write learning intentions that are clear, free from context and which learners can understand.


a. Construct Learning Intentions that are attainable in a simple, unambiguous form;
b. Practise using Learning Intentions by using Learning Intentions in different subjects across the curriculum.


Assessment Methods

This programme adopts continuous and summative methods of assessment including assignments, online tasks, reflective journals, projects and video presentations. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures.

Suggested Readings

1. Assessment Reform Group (2002) Assessment for Learning: 10 principles, available at
2. Black, P. and Wiliam, D. (2001) Inside the Black Box; Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment, King’s College: London School of Education.
3. Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B., and Wiliam, D. (2002) Working inside the black box: Assessment for learning in the classroom, London: GL Assessment.
4. Clarke, S. (2001) Unlocking formative assessment: Practical strategies for enhancing pupils’ learning in the primary classroom, London: Hodder and Stoughton.
5. Clarke, S. (2005) Formative Assessment in Action: weaving the elements together, London: Hodder Murray.
6. Drummond, T. (2013) Learning Stories Examples, available at
7. Hatherly A. & Sands L. (2002) ‘So what is different about Learning Stories?’ The First Years: Nga Tau Tuatahi New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education Vol 4 (1) pp 8-12.
8. PMB (2007) Assessment for Learning for Key Stages 1 & 2, Belfast: CCEA.
9. Witherell C. & Noddings N. (1991) Stories lives tell: Narrative and dialogue in education, New York Teachers College press.

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