
Using a Provisional Mapping Tool

MQF Level: 4

ECTS Value: 1 ECTS

Duration: 2 Sessions

Contact Hours: 5

Self Study Hours: 12

Assessment Hours: 8


Module Description

In this unit the course participants will be introduced to the Individual Education Plans and will be given training of how to write a comprehensive and precise IEPs for the learner/s that they support. Students will also be guided on how they are to use the Provisional Mapping Tool when writing an IEP.

Overall Objectives and Outcomes

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:


a. Follow the procedure used prior to the writing of the IEP.

b. Produce an IEP using comprehensive and specific situation assessment, SMART Goals and specific strategies and resources for a learner with a statement of need using the Provisional Mapping Tool

c. Produce a MAP for a learner with individual needs.


a. Detail procedures used prior to the writing of an IEP. 

b. Demonstrate knowledge of the Provisional Mapping Tool. 

c. Distinguish the difference between SMART goals and Priority Long Term Goal/s 

d. Describe the learner’s situation assessment in learning and behaviour at school in a comprehensive and specific manner. 

e. State which strategies and resources could be used to support learner in IEP.


a. Use and apply skills learnt in unit when writing IEPs

b. Prepare a MAP for a learner with individual educational needs.

c. Plan an IEP for a learner with special educational needs.

d. Prepare an IEP for a learner with special educational needs using SMART goals.a. Use and apply skills learnt in unit when writing IEPs

b. Prepare a MAP for a learner with individual educational needs.

c. Plan an IEP for a learner with special educational needs.

d. Prepare an IEP for a learner with special educational needs using SMART goals.

Mode of Delivery

This module adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the IfE Portal. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures found on the Institute for Education’s website.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Research Assingment and Online Tasks/Reflections.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  2. Pierangelo. R. & Giuliani. G. A. (2007). Understanding, Developing and Writing Effective IEPs: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators. England: Sage
Supplementary Reading List
  2. Salend. S. J. (2011) Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective and Reflective Practices. US:Pearson – Chapter 2
  3. McNamara. S. & Moreton. G. (1993). Teaching Special Needs: Strategies and Activites for Children in the Primary Classroom. England: David Fulton Publishers.
  4. Special Education Support Services. (2008). Signposts: A Resource Pack for Teachers. Retrieved on 06/01/2018 from
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