

MQF Level: 4

ECTS Value: 10 ECTS

Duration: 6 weeks

Contact Hours: 5

Practice Hours: 170

Self Study Hours: 65

Assessment Hours: 10


Module Description

The intent of this module is to provide an opportunity for self-reflection of practice, and equip participants with the necessary skills for a fruitful practicum experience. Specifically, each component of the practicum file: observations, student’s profile, IEP document, daily planning sheets, lesson and self-evaluation – will be discussed. Following this, participants will undertake a 6-week practice placement supported by practice visits.

Overall Objectives and Outcomes

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:


a. Select the most relevant information from the professionals’ reports;

b. Inform oneself well about the student;

c. Create an informed student profile;

d. Monitor student/s during the observation phase to build a good picture of them;

e. Establish coherence between the daily planning sheets and the IEP document;

f. Complete good daily planning sheets;

g. Perform a self-analysis of one’s input in the facilitation of the student’s or students’ learning.


a. Describe the purpose of the student profile;

b. Identify the significant elements of the professionals’ reports;

c. Recite the student’s major strengths and weaknesses as indicated by the professionals;

d. Tell the student’s major strengths and weaknesses in class;

e. List the priority goals that will be tackled in the IEP;

f. Write a clear, specific and measurable goal;

g. Match the strategy to be employed with the goal;

h. Write a clear lesson evaluation on the daily planning sheet.


a. Generate an effective strategy for the IEP’s goal;

b. Demonstrate the effectiveness, or otherwise, of the action taken;

c. Prepare a follow-up plan of action;

d. Plan a set of strategies that the can help the student in the after school activities like the catechism or extra-curricular activities;

e. Write factual observations.

Mode of Delivery

This module adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the IfE Portal. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures found on the Institute for Education’s website.

Assessment Methods

This module will be assessed through: Research Assingment and Online Tasks/Reflections.

Suggested Readings

Core Reading List
  1. Ministry for Education (2002). Creating Inclusive Schools: Guidelines for the Implementation of the National Curriculum Policy on Inclusive Education.
  2. Ministry for Education, Youth and Employment (2012). A National Curriculum Framework For ALL.
  3. Ministry for Education and Employment (2014). Special and Inclusive Education for ALL. An Audit Report.
  4. Ministry for Education and Employment (2014). Respect For ALL Framework.
  5. The above documents can be accessed from:
  6. The Learning Outcomes Framework (2015). Access on:
  7. Neil Humphrey , Paul Bartolo , Peter Ale , Colin Calleja , Thomas Hofsaess , Vera Janikova , Annemieke Mol Lous , Vida Vilkiene & Gun‐Marie Wetso (2006) Understanding and responding to diversity in the primary classroom: an internationalstudy, European Journal of Teacher Education, 29:3, 305-318, DOI: 10.1080/02619760600795122
  8. Malthouse, R., & Roffey-Barentsen, J. (2013). Reflective practice in education and training.
Supplementary Reading List
  1. UNESCO (2001). The Rationale for Inclusive Education in Open File on Inclusive Education Support Materials for Managers and Adminsitrators.
  2. Mitchell, D. (2014). What really works in special and inclusive education: Using evidence-based teaching strategies. Routledge.
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