Supporting Students with Different Needs in the Inclusive Classroom
This study unit provides the course participant with basic educational approaches and support strategies to maximise progress for learners with ADHD, Autism and Intellectual Impairment. It also focuses on the different components of an inclusive classroom, and the respective policies one needs to follow. Issues such as equality and inclusive approaches to teaching and learning will be discussed. The module will also focus on the role of the LSE, the teacher’s and how to work collaboratively within a team.
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:
a. Create specific resources to enhance the learning process for students with ADD / ADHD, Autism, and Intellectual Impairment;
b. Address the challenges encountered by learners with ADD / ADHD, Autism and Intellectual Impairment in the classroom;
c. Adapt classroom tasks and resources for learners with ADD / ADHD, Autism and intellectual impairment;
d. Collaborate with a transdisciplinary team of professionals to facilitate and sustain the learning progression of the students;
e. Ensure the promotion of an inclusive environment by treating all the students fairly and equally.
a. Detail the characteristics of learners with ADD / ADHD, Autism and intellectual impairment;
b. Identify accommodations and class interventions to use with learners with diverse needs and promote classroom inclusivity;
c. Describe how environments can be structured so that learners with ADD / ADHD, Autism and intellectual impairment can benefit maximally from instruction;
d. Describe the terms of inclusion, integration, segregation and access and their implication on the educational setting;
e. Recall the responsibilites of an LSE with regards to teaching and learning;
f. Identify the barriers to inclusion and how these can be overcome;
g. Identify and explain the policies related to inclusion.
a. Recognise the characteristics of learners with ADD / ADHD, Autism and intellectual impairment;
b. Apply accommodations and class interventions to use with learners with diverse needs;
c. Determine how environments can be structured so that learners with diverse needs can benefit maximally from instruction;
d. Plan a set of inclusive strategies which best fits the classroom.
This module adopts a blended approach to teaching and learning. Information related to the structure and delivery of the module may be accessed through the IfE Portal. For further details, kindly refer to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Policy and Procedures found on the Institute for Education’s website.
This module will be assessed through: Research Assingment and Online Tasks/Reflections.
The Institute for Education is a Further and Higher Education Institution with Licence number 2016-006
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